CostPlus Jobs

“What is a CostPlus Job and how do we use it?” is something that we are asked often. A CostPlus Job is a job / project that is worked on without a “specific / fixed” quote. They are typically used when the Contractor is not able to give a quote ahead of time as the […]
What is a Miscellaneous Item

What is a Miscellaneous Item in Eazy Costing, and when should it be used? A Miscellaneous Item in Eazy Costing is a Quote or Cost “Line Item Type”. The Line Item Types are: Stock Items, Labour, Travel, Miscellaneous and Fixed Rates. Miscellaneous items are items that are not Stock Items, Labour, Travel or Fixed Rates. A […]
The four different types of “Jobs” in Eazy Costing

We are often asked “what are the different types of Jobs in Eazy Costing?”. The “real question”, we feel, should be “what are the different paths to get to an Invoice with Eazy Costing?”. There are four different paths to get to an Invoice in Eazy Costing, each with a unique set of rules and […]